Monday, April 16, 2012

Hair dryer sets off carbon monoxide detector.?

When I plug my hair dryer in next to the carbon monoxide detector, and turn it on, the alarm sounds. It takes about 60 seconds before it triggers the alarm. but when I turn the hair dryer off, the alarm stops also.

Hair dryer sets off carbon monoxide detector.?

I have been a firefighter for 8 years and have never heard of that happening. It could be possible that the hair dryer is putting out some co2 but I couldn't think it would be that much. Try to relocate your co2 detector. If it still goes off like crazy, I would replace your hair dryer, or both co2 detector and hair dryer to be on the safe side.

Hair dryer sets off carbon monoxide detector.?

depending on the dryer there are elements that do heat and expell the heat,exhaust.. so you could be emitting carbon

Hair dryer sets off carbon monoxide detector.?

A hair dryer does not normally put off much in the way of CO. However, to be safe, you should try a different detector and run the hair dryer and see if it activates it. If it does, then replace the hair dryer. If it doesn't, then use the new detector and relocate the other one. It could, by the way you described the alarm silencing when you turn off the hair dryer, be an eletrical malfunction, depending on the age of the wiring in your house. For example, my house was built (and the wiring was done in) 1959, and when we run our hair dryer for too long, it trips the breaker in the bathroom. Good luck, and stay safe.

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