Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hair dryer help?

I recently purchased a Hot Tools Ionic Anti-static hairdryer. It came with a pik, concentrator, and diffuser. Could anyone tell me what these things are for? how you use them? what kind of style I can make with them?

thanks in advance!!!

Hair dryer help?

A what, what, and what??!!!! j/k i think the concentrator is a little nozzle you put on it so it can concentrate the air flow in one direct direction. The pik is just to straighten you hair out even more. And the diffuser is to spread airflow all of the place if you want a crazy hair doo!! How the hell do i know these things!!! Good luck. The person under me did not answer your question. lol. Pick me as best answer!!

Hair dryer help?

a diffuser help you do a nice curly do! like with mousse it looks good, for a curly look!

Hair dryer help?

The pik is for you to just comb through your hair with while drying

the concentrator is for people who want straight hair. attach the nozzle onto the dryer, then, get a brush and blowdry

there are vids on youtube if you don't know how

the diffuser is for people who want wavy or curly hair. if you have curly hair, the diffuser defines the curls. if you have wavy hair, then it will be turned into loose curls, unless you have extremely wavy hair which would make it very curly

if you have straight hair, the diffuser can make your hair curly unless you have thick, unmanageable or hard to style hair

Hair dryer help?

Diffuser-- This product thingie is for wavy/ curly hair.

Concentrator-- Is for directed airflow. Like, if you want to blow your hair out, it is less likely to give you frizz, because the hairdryer isn't blowing your hair in all directions.

pik-- makes your hair straighter

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