Friday, April 20, 2012

What is the best kind of hair dryer?

My hair takes forever to dry and gets fried very easily. What kind of hair dryer should I get to solve my problems? The one I have is about five years old, so I obviously need a new one and wanted some input!

What is the best kind of hair dryer?

conair makes a good rapid dry one... they sell it at most stores.

as for the getting fried part, try Tresse hair lotion (about 10 dollars in salons) it protects hair from heat.

What is the best kind of hair dryer?

any dryer with adjustable settings. the one i have is revlon and it has 3 heat settings/ 3 air flow settings and a "style/ dry" switch in the back. Try this stuff by Paul Mitchell- its a creme you put on when the hair is wet and it REALLY cuts the drying time down significantly. Cant recall the name, but ask and the person at any salan should be able to tell you.

What is the best kind of hair dryer?

natural air dry is best, or hold it up in a towel for awhile, then let dry natural, if ya need to use hairdryer to style it, use the coolest setting ya can get away with or you're just asking for fried split-end hair....also try getting cholesterol treatments if fried me...dated a hairstylist...back then had long hair and it was perfect, once we split up I cut it short again cuz I lost my maintenance technician ;)

What is the best kind of hair dryer?

conair, gives you a quick dry that lets your hair flow. and its totally easy to handle.

What is the best kind of hair dryer?

Get one with ceramic or tourmaline. Both cut down on drying time and help keep your hair smooth. I recently threw out my old dryer (about as old as yours) and got a Revlon dryer with tourmaline. I can really tell the difference--my hair is much smoother and it doesn't take as long to dry.

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