Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?

Do I just let it air dry?

Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?

Don't use the hair dryer at all. You may inadvertantly heat up the components %26amp; damage them.

Let the I-Pod air dry. Do NOT try using it for at least 24-48 hours (1-2 days). Using it sooner can ruin any components that may be still damp inside.

I dropped my cell phone into the washer by accident while on a call (the earpiece wire got snagged on the lid %26amp; the phone fell into the rinse water). I let it dry for 2 days %26amp; removed the battery, not turning it on. It works just like it did before its unexpected swim.

Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?

hair dryer is okay if you want to speed up the process, but be careful, as it will be hard to know if its really dry or not. I would use the hair dryer and then leave it out in dry air for a couple of days just to be sure

Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?


Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?

air dry. I dropped a cell phone in the toilet and I let it dry a couple of days and it was fine

Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?

Im sorry to inform you this but i think that you pretty much need to get a new one. The ipod could be ruined.

Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?

If you use the dryer dont use heat or too close !!!

Wet IPod, I opened it- should I use a hair dryer that close to the circuits? Sun? or...?

I did something like that to my Ipod Nano. I left it in one of my pockets, and then washed it in my Washer.

When I was moving my clothes to the dryer, I was shocked to see my poor Ipod laying on the bottom of the dryer.

I didn't really think I could do much for it, since it was completely soaked, so i just tossed it into a drawer, thinking it was dead.

Well, about a month later, I ran across it again, and just to see what would happen, I tried to turn it on.


So just give it some time, let it dry, and you'll see.....

Those little machines are hard to kill.

(or maybe they just have 9 lifes, like cats....)

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