Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

yes... the only appropriate thing to hit a child with is a stick that's width is smaller than your thumb... and also wooden spoons with holes cut into them (so they slice through the air better)...

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

oh yea,try a chair

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?


Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

that is a terrible thing to do

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

I think it's very unconventional to hit a child with anything!

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Yes i believe it is.. I don't hit my children.. with anything...

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

I would think so !

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

I can't say that its good.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Errrr, I sorta think it's unconventional to hit a child, period.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Never do that.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Yes, for this purpose mostly scales are preferred.


Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

yeah but the cord is ok

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer? is

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?


Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

lol yes it is even though they get on ur nerves sometimes

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

No!!! It's unconventional when you hit them with the toaster.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Yes, very original and out of the common.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Why would you even want to hit a child?

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

some more conventional choices would include a stick, the wooden spoon, a folding chair (wrestling families) and other children

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?


Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Are your parents beating you?

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Only if you are sitting in the bath when the child turns it on. No, really, try it, it's fun!

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?


Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Yes,That would be called CHILD ABUSE...

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you like it if someone hit you with one? Treat others as you would like them to treat you. You sew what you reap.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Yes. I think that action can be certainly categorised as child abuse.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

hell no, if your kid is being bad grab whatever is in the vicinity and whup that as s.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Were you born in the Stone Age or something? It is freaking unconventional to hit a child with anything! You never freaking hit a child! Freaking wrong, dude...

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?


Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

Yes, you should only use the curling iron. Seriously, yes it is unconventional. Spanking I believe in, but not abuse. People who do not spank their children are only serving to further a world of disrespect and perpetuate "It's not my fault" society.

Is it unconventional to hit a child with a hair dryer?

most of you are reading all the wrong stuff.a child must be punished let them know that was wrong.just don't get carried away.most of the time a tap or 2 is that is needed.don't get carried away.that is the biggest problem in today's child raising.don't spank the child.spare the rod, spoil the child.

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